Dominic Paquet
Laisse-moi partir
Friday April 11, 2025 | 7:00pm
Le Sésame Theatre
With everyone eagerly awaiting his new show, Dominic Paquet returns to the stage with Laisse-moi partir, a fourth one-man show in which he pulls out all the stops! Unique in his genre, Dominic brings his vivid imagination to life, creating a variety of worlds and characters through his facial expressions, gestures and voice. Whether it's a piece of history, a behavior, a news item or an everyday banality, everything can become as exceptional as it is hilarious when seen through his eyes. Unable to think like a normal person, Dominic invites you to 90 minutes of laughter that will leave you with his many colorful expressions for days, weeks and even decades to come. Go see Laisse-moi partir... On l'fait!