I really enjoyed MATEN’s concert. Their style is very unique and blends well with the message of their songs. The band incorporates various elements into their performance, especially audience participation.
Between songs, the musicians shared many anecdotes about their life in northern Quebec and told stories about their ancestors’ way of life and how they still pass on traditions today. During one of the final songs, the band led a lesson on how to perform a traditional Indigenous dance. In their next song, they encouraged the audience to come and dance with them up front.
It was a beautiful moment and a wonderful idea from the band. To sum up, the concert was very memorable for me and many others. I learned a lot about several customs, traditions, and values of Innu culture and Indigenous culture in general. It was an unforgettable experience, and I highly recommend seeing MATEN if they ever return to Kingston.
—Elie Hueglin

Our first concert at Théâtre Le Sésame took place on Saturday, October 26th, featuring the Indigenous folk-rock band Maten, as part of their Ontario tour.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the musicians and artists for delivering an emotional evening, filled with storytelling and a traditional dance, symbolizing unity and cultural celebration.
A huge thank you to the Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario, co-presenter of this milestone event in our history, as well as to Réseau Ontario for supporting this tour, and to Éric Galarneau for his valuable commitment to culture and his support in promoting the arts in Kingston.

We also express our gratitude to all our funders and partners for their essential support:
Canadian Heritage | Ontario Arts Council | Ontario Government | Fédération culturelle canadienne-francaise | PassepART | Kingston Arts Council | City of Kingston | ACFO Mille-Îles | Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario | Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est | Réseau Ontario | Community Spirit Gaming Centre | Les Voyagements | Les Tréteaux de Kingston | The Kick & Push Festival | Skeleton Park Festival | Charitable Gaming Community Good