For budding artists!

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Due to ongoing uncertainties surrounding COVID-19, we were unable to offer our 2021 et 2022 summer camp. We will keep you updated here regarding the 2023 Art Summer Camp.

Exemples of former years' offers:

The Artistic Summer Camp is a great opportunity for French speaking youth, from 6 to 12 years old, to explore performing and visual arts, under the guidance and mentorship of professional artists.

Your kids will have the opportunity to discover and practice Performing Arts and Visuals Arts for 10 days.

Registration is open for two age groups:
- From 6 to 8 years old
- From 9 to 12 years old

This year, we will work alongside many professional artists offering many art forms. The first week, the 6 to 8 year-olds group will start with Performing Arts and the 9 to 12 year-olds with Visual Arts and vice versa the second week.

We offer two prices for this camp:
- 1 week: $180
- 2 weeks: $275
-15% discount will be offered when registrating a second child.

This year, our artists will be accompanied by students between 16 and 17 years of age who will be training to lead artistic workshops. These student will be also be there to ensure your children's’ safety and help them with anything they may need throughout the day.

Schedule of the day:
- 8 am to 9 am: Arrival
- 9 am to 12 am: Activities with an artist
- 12 am to 1 pm: Lunch break
- 1 pm to 4 pm: Activities with an artist
- 4 pm to 5 pm: End of the day and pick up

To register your child(ren), contact us at campccfkingston@gmail.com, infoccfkingston@gmail.com or at (613) 546.1331.