Last Friday, Théâtre Le Sésame came alive with Le Pays du Grand Nulle Part. A poetic and captivating journey that transported young and old into a world where imagination reigns supreme.
A huge thank you to Mafane for this incredible performance, and to our wonderful audience for joining us on this adventure! Bravo to Catherine, our Relève student, for stepping onto the stage!
A special thank you to our community partners who make these moments possible: ACFOMI, FACSFLA, Les Tréteaux de Kingston, Regroupement du conte au Québec /Circuit paroles vivantes, CEPEO, CECCE et RSIFEO.
Thank you, finally, to the talented seamstresses who came to exhibit their works
See you soon for more magical experiences!

A last big thank you to our partners and funders for this artistic season:
Canadian Heritage | Ontario Arts Council | Ontario Government | Fédération culturelle canadienne-francaise | PassepART | Kingston Arts Council | City of Kingston | ACFO Mille-Îles | Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario | Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est | Réseau Ontario | Community Spirit Gaming Centre | Les Voyagements | Les Tréteaux de Kingston | The Kick & Push Festival | Skeleton Park Festival | Charitable Gaming Community Good | Centre franco-ontarien de folklore